EMPOWER migrant parents to adopt a positive attitude when they experience new practices in their new environments.
Build RESILIENCE of parents and offer resources which facilitate the ability to parent effectively.
Promote INTEGRATION that takes into account engraved life scripts which change to compensate for cultural differences and disruption of family roles.
Foster INCLUSION in methods used to validate customs from family’s culture of origin which tend to contribute to discrimination and social exclusion when not inclusive.
Encourage PARENTING that is positive and adequately supported by community support services and is more accessible for migrant families.
The backbone of Alexia Press Hub is C.E.O and Founder, Lucy Alexia Mncube who herself is an immigrant from Southern Africa and lived in direct provision for more than three years.
Today Lucy Alexia Mncube has published one of four books she aims to write for each of her boys. The book “For you … with love” was presented to the President, Michael D. Higgins and Sabina at a Garden Party held to acknowledge the work of all groups and individuals working with asylum seekers and refugees in Ireland.
Our Services / Offerings
01. Training
Tailor made training sessions to address pressing issues that arise in the lives of migrant families.
Parenting Training for Migrants in collaboration with Serve the City Ireland
02. Cultural Evenings
Monthly gatherings to celebrate the diverse cultures that Ireland is rich in and also to share cultural experiences, traditions and stories which overtime will become part of the fabric of society making it a much richer nation.
03. Coffee Mornings
“Let’s have a chat and a cuppa” is a space for a casual gathering with like-minded people who will eventually become friends and acquaintances; creating lasting relationships.
04. The Power To Dream
A project created to inspire past and present residents of direct provision centres to believe in their ability to dream of a better tomorrow. From the proceeds of the book sales, “The Power to dream” will endeavour to reach out to a vast geographical demographic reinforcing the importance of following dreams despite the challenges that may arise.
05. Membership
Become a member of Alexia Press Hub as together we can build a better Ireland through collaborative ideas and shared visions.

For You...With Love
Love is beautiful, and being in love is indescribable. Memories of a love that touches the core of your hearts are priceless flashbacks that remind you that you are present. Many are worth your weight in gold. A loss of love is inexplicably painful. Everyone has a story to tell about love…this is mine.
Coffee Mornings
Ready to
get started?
To find out more about the services we offer, please book a consultation with us.